If you have given some thought to sitting down with a qualified financial planner to have your finances professionally
reviewed, or if you are just looking for a second opinion on the investments you currently have, then consider taking
advantage of our free consultation.
In your initial free consultation, we will do a complete analysis of your current financial situation. This will include a comprehensive review of your investments, your asset allocation strategy, the fees you are currently paying to your broker, the costs associated with your investments, as well as, educate you on the latest changes in financial markets and investments. We will also let you know if you are on the right track to meeting your financial goals and gaining the financial freedom that you deserve.
In order to serve you best, we will actually provide you with two free consultations. The first consultation will be strictly an information gathering process. In this meeting we will fill out a financial fact finder sheet that will uncover everything we will need to know about you from a financial standpoint before making any type of recommendations or changes to your existing position.
To make the initial meeting most effective, we usually ask that you bring in your latest financial statements, the previous year’s tax return, as well as any legal documents that impact the way your accounts are titled, such as wills and trusts.
This meeting will be the shorter of the two meetings. We will only need a time commitment, on your part, of about 45 minutes to an hour to complete the first session. After we have the information we need and the required documents and statements, we will need about one week to review, analyze, and collect our thoughts to make appropriate and suitable recommendations that will be discussed in the second meeting.
Once we are ready to meet again, we will have you come in for your second free consultation. In this meeting, we will discuss our findings and give you our thoughts on where, we believe, you stand financially and how well you are doing on your journey to achieving your financial goals. We will also make suggestions on your investments, and asset allocation style, and explain what you can expect if you continue on your existing course, or what you may be able to do to enhance your current position by taking our recommendations.
The second meeting usually takes a little bit longer than the first, since we will actually be making suggestions, recommendations, and providing a detailed explanation of why we are suggesting what we are. At this point in the relationship, the only thing you will have risked, is your time. You will not be charged or billed for these initial two meetings.
If you like our suggestions and wish to engage us to implement them within your portfolio, we will then ask you to sign a written agreement clearly describing our services and associated fees and setting expectations for our newly formed advisor-client relationship. We will schedule a third consultation and begin the implementation process. It is only during this third meeting that we begin charging you any fees for our services.
The only time we will be compensated for our efforts would be after the third meeting, where you have decided to come back into our office and implement the strategy we have laid out for you. In most cases, this would involve some movement of assets into other financial vehicles that we have found to be more suitable, as well as, more likely to get you to your desired financial position. In this transition, we will also help you re-diversify your portfolio to be properly positioned amongst the proper investment categories and asset classes.
The investments that we recommend may pay us a commission, or have a fee associated with it. In the second meeting, we will let you know if the investment you are interested in pays a yearly sales fee, or if it pays us a commission. This way you will know what to expect entirely from the recommended investment choices before making an informed decision and implementing the strategy.
We would also like to add that if you are in good financial standing and there are no changes necessary to your current portfolio, then we will be the first to tell you that staying the course you are on is the best way to go at this time… and if we can be of any further assistance to you in the future, to please keep us in mind.
If you plan to retire within about five years or have already been retired within the last five years and want to learn ways to grow your hard-earned wealth while protecting it from unstable markets, you’ve come to the right place! Give us a call at 313-389-2255 or send us message using the form below.
If you plan to retire within about five years or have already been retired within the last five years and want to learn ways to grow your hard-earned wealth while protecting it from unstable markets, you’ve come to the right place! Select the button below and schedule a call.
If you’ve been retired at least five years and have questions, give us a direct call at 313-389-2255 or send us a message using the form below.
For all other questions, please send us a message using the form below.
If you’ve been retired at least five years and have questions, give us a direct call at 313-389-2255 or send us a message using the form below.
If you want ensure we are available, please schedule an available time that is convenient for you.
Or, you can also just give us a call and if someone is available we would be happy to speak with you immediately.
Otherwise, we will schedule a time to call you back that is also convenient for you.